Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Edward's pink shirt

These are Edward's pants


Pastel de tres leches

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Barbie alarm clock

The slim fit jeans

Imagine this in hot pink.

Bella's Jimmy Choo's.

Alice's green tank

Alice's ankle boots

Bella's Volkswagen Beetle

Montecristo Mexican Grill

Jasper Whitlock girls!!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

This is Bella's dorm room. Awesome right?

And this is Bella's wardrobe minus the umm.. lady :P

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Mike Schmike

Pretty little Alice

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Alice's LV suitcase

Edward's Vanquish

Alice's pink vanity case

Sunday, 5 February 2012


Harvard Medical School quad marble buildings

Harvard Medical School quad marble buildings

Harvard Medical School quad marble buildingsView of the HMS quad from street entrance

Harvard Medical School Countway Library of Medicine
The gigantic medical library

Harvard Medical School Tosteson education center atriumA common hangout area for medical students

Harvard Medical School student dormsThe medical students dorm

Harvard Medical School student dormsCentral area surrounded by dorm buildings
Boston Public Library Bates Hall study reading room McKim buildingAnother view of the library

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

This is the white polo shirt Ed wore

His Converse clad feet

His Rolex watch

Bella's over sized t-shirt. I couldn't find one with a slogan. Just imagine it with "your boyfriend thinks i'm hot"

Bella's hospital scrubs

Chapter 1

This is Bella's parents' house in Boston

This is the campus at Harvard Med

Bella's shorts at night